龙腾世纪 维基


34 Currency (Inquisition)


获取[ | ]

审判官[ | ]

  • The Forbidden Oasis - Looted from the sarcophagus in the final chamber during side quest, The Cold Endured.
  • Crestwood - 在Village of Crestwood中一间上锁的房间里可拾取。
注意: 需要Inquisition perk"Deft Hands, Fine Tools"来打开房门。
注意: 需要首先在Still Waters任务中清理完被水淹没的洞穴。
  • The Fade - 在Here Lies the Abyss中完成支线任务Broken Window
  • Unlocked with the "Exclusive Training" Inquisition perk (requires 4 points in the Inquisition category).

黑墙[ | ]

  • Val Royeaux - From a chest in the prison during the Explanations / Revelations quest line.
  • Adamant Fortress - Looted from a chest during Here Lies the Abyss.
  • 战略桌任务Nobility and Casualty的奖励

卡珊德拉[ | ]

  • The Fallow Mire - Chest in a house between the 3rd and 4th beacons.
  • Inside Denam's quarters during Champions of the Just.
  • 战略桌任务Grand Cleric Iona的可能奖励。

科尔[ | ]

  • Skyhold - Found in a chest next to Cole in the Herald's Rest tavern after a certain level is attained, along with a new (level appropriate) helmet.
  • Crestwood - Reward from Burdens of Command.
  • Emerald Graves - Looted from the Arcane Horror at the end of the Chateau d'Onterre side quest.
  • Emprise du Lion - Looted from Imshael in Suledin Keep during Call Me Imshael.

多利安[ | ]

  • The Western Approach - Looted from Macrinus when capturing Griffon Wing Keep.
  • The Western Approach - Looted from a chest in the Hall of Silence in the Still Ruins. Behind a locked door.
  • Hissing Wastes - Looted from Overseer at the Venatori camp in the Sunstop Mountains during Sand and Ruin.

铁牛[ | ]

  • Emprise du Lion - Looted from the high dragon, Hivernal.
  • 战略桌任务Contact with the Valo-Kas Mercenaries的奖励(库纳利审判官专属)。

塞拉[ | ]

  • 战略桌任务Red Jenny and the Bad Goods的奖励。

索拉斯[ | ]

  • Western Approach - Looted from the Abyssal High Dragon.
  • Emerald Graves - Found at the spot marked on the map during the Map of Elgar'nan's Bastion side quest.
  • Arbor Wilds - Found in a chest in the Temple of Mythal, in one of the rooms crossed while following the elven sentinel to the Well of Sorrows.
  • Measuring the Veil任务的可能奖励。
  • 战略桌任务Information from the Grand Enchanter的奖励。

瓦里克[ | ]

  • Valammar - Found in a vault after killing the Carta Leader.
  • 战略桌任务Hard in Hightown 3: Varric's Revenge的奖励。
  • 战略桌任务Hard in Hightown: Unsavory Parallels的奖励。

薇薇安[ | ]

  • Winter Palace - Looted from a chest in the empress' vault, on the upper level of the Grand Apartments, during Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts.
  • Emerald Graves - Inside a locked room in Villa Maurel (Emerald Graves), accessible at the end of the Safe Keeping quest.
  • 战略桌任务Truth or Dare: The Endgame的奖励。
  • 战略桌任务Alliances: Reaching Ever Upward的奖励。